Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Enemies or Friends?

I think in the beginning of the novel, Endiku is introduced as a character that parallels Gilgamesh in his strength and his character. However as the story continues, Endiku actually becomes a very significant character, as he walks with Gilgamesh through every step of the way.

Endiku and Gilgamesh face countless battles together, and each of them bring strength together. At first glance, it may seem that the two might be together just for survival and the sake of fighting these battles. However, we can tell that there’s a real relationship between the two of them when Endiku reaches his end. Gilgamesh is extremely upset and has trouble dealing with his death. It affects him more than the reader might expect, and you can tell that the two have a deeper relationship than just partners in battle.

However what I think is important to note is the fact that this friendship would not develop unless the chain of command was clear. If Gilgamesh and Endiku both thought that they were the ones who deserved to be more powerful, there would always be a conflict of interest. However, Endiku gave in to Gilgamesh’s power by deciding to not fight him, but to join his team and fight alongside him. This way the two of them are able to actually work together in battle and gain a sense of camaraderie that was not present before, when the two were always working to outshine the other.

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