Sunday, February 13, 2011

Compare and Contrast

There are striking differences and similarities between the two rulers, Gilgamesh and Hammurabi. The one major difference between the two rulers is the way in which they rule over their subjects and how it affects the society in which they live in.

In the epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh is clearly the mean ruler. He is the one who does not care about being just or fair, but just wants to satisfy his desires and do as he pleases. He rapes any woman he pleases, regardless of the fact that she may be taken, and he hurts individuals that come in his way. He also has a big ego and thinks that he is superior to all, even Endiku, who plays a big role in their battle. Even though Endiku made a lot of smart calls in their battles, Gilgamesh ignored that and still thought he was smarter.

Hammurabi, is strikingly different. He is the one who instates fairness and a just system in his society. He protects his citizens from injustice and from the neighboring countries through a code of laws and consequences. He helps individuals to lower their debts and he also was in charge of making multiple temples for gods that he wanted to honor, selflessly. Clearly, he is not just involved in dressing up himself as a fantastic ruler without doing anything. He works to make the society a better place through various deeds and earns the respect of his subjects.

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