Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Diagnostic Essay Response

It's interesting because I don't think my response will be like most people's. I would like to say that I've come a long way in my writing since the beginning of the semester but quite honestly I can't say that. It seems weird to me that that essay is even comparable with the final essay we are about to turn in exactly 2 weeks from today. They are completely different essays, one's argument being created from my mind, and the other from research and employing other scholarly works.
While I can't per say notice a change in my writing, I have noticed something about myself. I realized that I fair much better in creative writing than I do with research papers. I can be more persuasive through the mean of my own words than through those of others, no matter how good their works. I also realize that, although fascinating, I am not one to enjoy reading and thinking about the past. I would much rather converse about a topic that affects me directly and currently.
All in all, even though I don't feel like I've changed as a writer, I do realize that I've learned more about myself in the past semester through my writing and this English class than I ever expected to do.

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